
Spiritual Support

Alpha and Discipleship Groups

As a freshman, you’re invited to join an Alpha Group led by an upperclassman, which provides the opportunity to meet new friends and form a sense of community. More than 75 percent of incoming freshmen join an Alpha Group. After freshman year, you can join a Discipleship Group (D-group). D-groups meet in residence halls and are led by fellow students. You can also serve as an Alpha Group or D-group leader as an upperclassman.

Getting Plugged In

Getting involved in one of the many ministries offered at 2021¹ú²úÂ鶹¾ç is an integral aspect of living out your faith. The Office of Student Life and Formation can help you find a service activity that fits your passions and skills and a local church to join, and keep you updated on the many faith opportunities available on campus.

Spiritual Retreats

Several times a year, you’ll have the chance to get off campus, reflect, and develop and deepen friendships at 2021¹ú²úÂ鶹¾ç’s women’s or men’s retreats.

Spiritual Mentoring

Mentorship can provide you with strength, encouragement, and guidance as you develop your spiritual life. Starting your sophomore year, we invite you to be paired with an upperclassman mentor. As an upperclassman, you can be paired with a 2021¹ú²úÂ鶹¾ç professor, staff member, or friend of the university, and you can also give back by serving as a mentor for a sophomore.